Instructions for Downloading the 520 kilobyte
GETTING a LIFE screen-viewable PDF file
Note: Download time for the GETTING a LIFE file will range from several seconds to several minutes depending on the speed of your connection and Internet conditions.
If you are a PC user, RIGHT-click on Download PDF file(If you left-click on the link by accident, it is usually possible to recover by clicking your browser's Stop button and then clicking the browser's Back button.)
A menu will appear. Choose the "Save Target As..." option (Microsoft Internet Explorer) or the "Save Link As..." (Netscape).
A Save As screen will appear. Select the folder into which you want the downloaded file to go. (Create a new folder, if desired, by clicking the icon.)
Click the Save button
Please write down the name of the folder that you have selected or created, and also the filename of the file that will be created by the downloaded data. (That filename will be
gl-35620.pdf if you don't type in another name.) This information will be needed when you want to view the file in Acrobat Reader.
A Download screen should appear, with a moving bar indicating the progress of the download. In Microsoft Internet Explorer, when the download is complete, a "Download Complete" screen will appear. When the download is complete, click the Close button.
With Netscape browsers, you will see a "Saving Location" screen which automatically disappears when the download is complete.
To view the file, start the Acrobat Reader or Acrobat program. Click File, then Open. Navigate to the drive and folder where the .pdf file is located. Click on the filename, then click the Open button.
If you are a Mac user, click on Download PDF file and hold down the mouse button until a menu appears. Choose the "Save to..." option from the menu and follow the normal file-save procedure.
FINAL NOTE: The file you are downloading can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Acrobat Reader, or Adobe eBook Reader. If you do not already have a copy of one of these programs on your computer, once you have downloaded the eBook file you can download a free copy of the Adobe Acrobat reader by clicking on: